History of High-Technologies The International Committee for the History of Technology’s 16-21 August 2015 The 42nd ICOHTEC Symposium will be held together with IEEE Histelcon in Tel Aviv from 16 to 21 August 2015. The main theme of the meeting will be History of High-Technologies and Their Socio-Cultural Contexts. The aim is to analyse the social, cultural, political, economic, scientific as well as military impact of high-technologies, ranging from recent and contemporary developments in computer technology through to innovations that were state-of-the-art in their own time, such as the telegraph, radar, and the jet engine. The conference will explore this complex process from national as well as international perspectives. It will trace both developers and users of high-technologies and their appropriation strategies. It addresses scholars from various backgrounds such as historians, sociologists, practicing engineers, and scientists. :: CONFERENCE OFFICIAL WEBSITE
Page updated: 2 May 2015 |