Perspectives of Ancient Buildings of Schools

The event will be held in German (check out the announcement in German).

Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 17:30 CET

Since devastation of old buildings and erecting new ones is still the common way of modernisation in many cities, a round table on the cultural and ecological value of ancient buildings will take place in February. Invited speakers are architects, historians of architecture and colleagues from city planning.

Pollution and the emission of CO2 are strong environmental reasons to change to building on existing stock. The buildings in danger now are attractive schools, dating back to the turn of the 20th century, situated in the city of Dortmund, Germany. Please find more information and a petition to protect these schools on:

Invited Speakers:

Wolfgang Sonne, TU Dortmund: Die kulturhistorische Dimension am Beispiel des Denkmals der Dortmunder Kreuzschule (1913)

Eva Reber, BDA: Die konzeptionelle Dimension am Beispiel der Studie zur Erweiterung der Mörike-Grundschule in Dortmund (1891)

Marcus Patrias, BDA: Die baukonstruktive Dimension – „Dauerhaftigkeit im Wandel” – Schulbau im nahezu geschlossenen System

Thomas Eltner, TU Dortmund: Die gesellschaftliche Dimension im Zusammenspiel beteiligter Institutionen, sozialer Herausforderungen und politischer Zielsetzungen


Stefan Poser, Department Geschichte, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, KIT, stefan.poser (at)

Link to the online event:

(without registration)